Sunday, July 21, 2013

Seeing my family!

Well, I didn't get to actually SEE see them, but through the powers of magic, I go to do that thing that Sirius Black does to see Harry in book 4 in the Gryffindor common room through the fire place!

Yeah, this thing!
Okay okay, so that didn't actually happen.  But with the powers of SKYPE I got to see them! :)  We had a nice looong chat! It was really good to see them, and I miss them so much!
Here's my family!

Don't they look great??

Having fun on the deck!

I got to show them the apartment (even though Lyla already saw it) and they showed me cute baby bunnies in the yard!  It was really good being able to see and talk to them! Sounds like they've been having hot and humid or very rainy days too, just like here!  I get to see them in person though in August, so I'm really super excited for that!  I'm going home Aug 16-18, and mom and dad are potentially coming to visit from Aug 28 to Sept 2 or so!  Let's see, we talked about the yard work they're doing, the ultimate frisbee team I joined, what my program is like, how much fun I'm having, them going to help friends move to a new house, and the visits we'll both be making in August! I can't wait to talk with them again! I love you and miss you, Mom, Dad, and Lyla!!! xoxoxoxo!!!

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