Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm leaving today! Can't wait to be a part of it...

Hey y'all.
What a week this has been!  So first I'll start with graduation.
For those of you who don't know, my sister Lyla and I graduated on the same day. She graduation from UW Milwaukee with a degree in print journalism with a minor in history.  No, we're not twins ;) but she transferred schools and studied abroad so I think those experiences may have caused some set-back due to degree requirements not being matched or something.  But I'm sure she thinks it was worth it, considering she spent SIX MONTHS IN AUSTRALIA. That lucky girl.  As for me, I got out in 3 years. I like to say I donated my 4th year to Lyla :D
Lyla came to visit Saturday before
commencement. We had a photo sesh ;)
So we both graduated Sunday, May 19.  Her ceremony in Milwaukee was at 9 am, mine was in Madison at 10 am. Dad and Grandpa went to Lyla's ceremony, Mom and Grandma came to mine.  That was really the bummer part about it, that the family had to split up like that. BUT then we had a celebration in Johnson Creek (right in the middle!) and had a lot of family and friends come out to celebrate with us! (It also kind of acted as my going away party too.)  I was able to see a bunch of friends from Madison that I didn't get to hang out with too much over the last year, and it was really great getting to spend some time with them!  My old roommate, Sarah, even got me a bag of the BEST M&Ms ever--crispy!!! (You can't get those in the states anymore. I don't know why. It aggravates me. But I don't need to start a rant.)  So there was a lot of fun and fellowship and swimming and FOOD and laughing and playing games and inhaling the helium from the graduation balloons and singing Les Miserable's "Confrontation" at the end of the night. (I've always said I want to put the cast of Les Mis on helium and then hear them sing...)  So all in all it was a wonderful celebration, but of course it wouldn't have been possible without the hard work and planning by my parents! And shout out to the best party planner I know, my mom! Thanks for such a special celebration :)
T-Rex and I are best buds!

Now, the week.
PACK PACK PACK PACK PACK sit PACK PACK PACK PACK hydrate PACK PACK PACK unpack and re-PACK PACK PACK PACK.  Maybe throw an "eat" in there.  It was a busy week.

This is all coming to NYC.
Not now, but my roommate's parents
are driving out with a U-Haul and they're
stopping by to pick up my pile.  How nice!
And finally this weekend!
A really great couple of friends of mine (well, of our whole family), Holly and Kenny, got married this weekend! It was a wonderful wedding.  It was held in one of the most beautiful buildings in Wisconsin (the Racine Masonic Center) and the food was suuuper good and the music was fabulous and don't get me started on how delicious the white zin was.  This wedding was one of the most fun weddings I have ever been to and I certainly had an absolute blast--what an awesome Wisconsin-y send-off it turned out to be!
So here I am, sitting in the hotel room, my two large FREE checked-luggage bags sitting in the van, my duffel  bag in a huge heap, waiting for me to pack it, my other items kind of strewn about the room due to rushing to get ready yesterday. But I'm super excited for the next adventure I am about to embark on!

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