Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's time for an update....Part 1: The rest of summer

Hey y'all!

I haven't written in a very long time, I know.  So I decided to share with you what has been going on in my life the last many, many weeks!

Since there has so much that has gone on, I think I will do a week-by-week highlights post.  I have quite a few things to fit in though, so not to worry!  I hope you still find my NYC life interesting...

Week of July 21: I was able to meet up with one of my gorgeous, awesome, creative, and long-time friends, Lisa.  We met in 4th grade, and even though she moved back to Georgia after that year, we still kept in touch and were able to see each other time to time.  This time, it had been 4 years since we saw each other, and it was amazing that we were able to pick up where we left off! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing girl in my life!
I took Lisa around the museum!

Out to dinner calls for a funny face, right?

Lisa, her mom Nancy, her mom's friend, and me out to dinner

Week of July 28: I was still working with a museum program for students, this time high school age and within a group of students interested in space and stars.  One of the students was very challenging to work with, which has been my biggest fear so far of becoming a teacher.  He was challenging in that he was disobedient, did not give due respect to instructors, and was really good at the work but did not apply himself.  By the end of the first day working with him, I was frustrated with his attitude, but tried to stay calm and give him the attention he needed--he worked very well one-on-one and was able to stay focused.  I think by the end of the second week my MAT partners and I worked with that astro class, he seemed a bit more respectful and appreciative of the help I gave him.  So that's something.

Week of August 4:  My birthday was on August 8th!  And little did I know that this was the fateful day I would meet...the one and only Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson!! (A famous astrophysicist).  He was so cool and so down to earth and hosted an hors d'oeuvres night for a bunch of the college students interning at the museum.  It was incredible to hear his take on science education.  It was incredible to meet him and be in the same room as him, period!
Neil, spreading his wisdom

Striking a gangstah' pose with Neil!
He even wished me a Happy Birthday. I was also VERY lucky to have coincidentally worn my awesome space shirt! It was perfect.

Later that night, a bunch of us found the rooftop and took some fun pictures up there!
Having fun on the rooftop of AMNH!

Picture of me and my buddy Abe!
It was a splendid day :)

Weeks of August 11 and August 18: I went home to Wisconsin for Job's Daughter Jamboree from August 16-18th, and then was able to stay home until that Wednesday.  It was so much fun and I was so happy to see my friends and family that I wasn't able to see for such a long time!!

On August 22, I co-taught for the first time with Wanda from the program.  We co-taught spectroscopy, and we had the unique opportunity to teach to a student in the class who had a hearing disability.  It was great to be exposed to a different learning style, which needed us to adapt a different lesson format so that this student could see her interpreter at all times (some of the presentation originally called for turning down all the classroom lights to perform investigations about "light" from a single bulb).  I would say that our presentation went really well and I learned just as much about teaching as I hope the students learned about spectroscopy!

Week of August 25:  So while I had just seen my parents, they drove out to visit ME in NYC!  Except not really in NYC, we went cabining up north in the Catskills and the Adirondacks.  Both areas are absolutely AMAZING.  They are beautiful and hilly and gorgeous!  It was a lot of fun to see the grounds of Woodstock in Bethel, look at beautiful geology, drive around looking at covered bridges, and lighting off red, white, and blue floating lanterns for Labor Day!